Saturday 4 April 2015

Happy Easter!

       Quite streets, locked shops, delayed project and the teenager saying "can I spend a day in bed as nothing works anyway"? is it really what it should be like? is it lack of family? or lack of faith? or lack of desire to celebrate something the meaning of which is beyond (yes that's right) my understanding. Chocolate is everywhere. Foil and bits of sweet luxury meet the eye. And I am shivering thinking about the impact of it to the growing system of 4 year old and 13 year old. First one is excited with the intrigue of sneaky Easter bunny who came at night and hid the chocolate eggs around the room. Second one is jealously checking if she has god the equal number of eggs as the first one. Everyone seems to be happy so far. Even despite the fact I realised I missed the deadline for submitting some work for two days and hysterically was trying to fix it. Luckily it was all right.
The day is peacefully grey. Even the cat is sleeping in his house. I wish I could as well. After the push at 5.30 a.m (which was supposed to be the morning) and a question: "Did you hide the eggs for kids last night, Dear?", I feel not quire energised in the afternoon. But the clock says it is 4 p.m. It is the first day of daylight savings and I realise it is a bit not right to have a nap. I would not anyway. But it was so cool to do some baking with the 4 year old. The result is laid out on the bench waiting for dad's "wows" when he is back home. It is a great day. Oh ! and the earthquake rattled the house just then reminding about appreciation of the peacefulness and treasuring every day of our lives. So we are going to do. Happy Easter!

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